Dora by Happy Recruiter

Târgu Mureș Consultanță Resurse Umane
0 Recenzii
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Technology for recruiters: Automated Systems to increase the recruitment performance.

Happy Recruiter created Dora, the Recruitment Robot, optimizing the candidates` acquisition costs, handling more projects simultaneously and increasing the recruitment speed. Dora is also able to scan databases, re-engaging the candidates automatically.

Dora performs bias free interviews for companies, providing information on the candidates’ competences.

So far Dora held 793,144 interviews in 90 countries and 4,673 cities, for 1,158 companies.

Recenzii pentru Dora by Happy Recruiter

0 Recenzii

Evaluarea se formează pe baza recenziilor clienților, a evaluărilor și a sondajelor telefonice.