Fabrica de carosari SRL
FABRICA DE CAROSARI SRL is a 100% romanian company, located in Dumbravita, Timis area, operating in the production industry of Body structures for commercial vehicles and Aluminium loading ramps. Our company is certified as one of the top quality producers in Romania, with a constant care of high quality and we have implemented quality systems ISO9001:2015 for quality and ISO 3834-2 Certification for welding procedures.
Since opening, our company has been focused on delivering top quality products and the company’s motto is: PLEASURE FOR PERFECTION.
In recent years, Fabrica de carosari SRL has been concerned with the development and improvement of structures that can be mounted in a very short time, KIT type, easy to install in one day.
Recenzii pentru Fabrica de carosari SRL
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