Arabic Barber Shop by Mihali
Avand experienta de 24 de ani in domeniu, lucrand in locatii din Italia, Rusia, Cipru, Monaco, Franta si lucrand alaturi de emisiuni si vedete de succes, Mihali Daly a devenit un artist in ceea ce priveste estetica masculina.
Servicii de frizerie: tuns, aranjat barba, pensat si aranjat barba ata, vopsit barba henna etc.
With 24 years of experience working in locations in Italy, Russia, Cyprus, Monaco, France and collaborating with shows and successful stars, Mihali Daly became an artist in terms of male aesthetics.
Barber shop services: trimming, arranging the beard, trimming and arranging the beard with thread, painting the beard with henna etc.
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